Monday, March 8, 2010

What causes hair loss in women? s?

First of all I want to say I am very sorry to hear that your mom died. It is always hard on you mentally and physically to lose a loved one. Stress is one of the number one triggers for hair loss. Chemical imbalances can also cause it. Certain medications could also be the culprit. I would recommend seeing your family practitioner or a grief counselor. This sounds strange but take calcium pills. It's good for your body and helps with mood swings. Also if you go to your local health food store and ask them for natural ways to take care of it. Taking controlled substances could have adverse effects and make your problem worse. I wish you the best of luck and hang in there. It's hard and you never stop missing the person you lost but as someone who's been through it I can say that it does eventually start to hurt less. You go on and life does get better. It just takes patience and a strong heart. I'm sure you have both. Good luck to you again.What causes hair loss in women? s?
The most common cause of hair loss is genetics-you inherit the tendency to lose hair from either or both of your parents. This is called male-pattern hair loss or female-pattern hair loss. The medical term for this type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia.

In this type of hair loss, your genes affect how your hair grows. They trigger a sensitivity to a class of hormones called androgens, including testosterone, which causes hair follicles (which hair grows from) to shrink. Shrinking follicles produce thinner hair and eventually none at all.

Common causes of hair loss include:

Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis), which is common in children.

Mental stress or physical stress, such as recent surgery, illness, or high fever. You may have a lot of hair loss 4 weeks to 3 months after severe physical or emotional stress. Your hair usually will grow back within a few months.

Hair care. Pulling your hair back too tightly or wearing tight braids or ponytails can cause hair loss. You may lose hair around the edge of the hairline, especially around the face and forehead. Using curling irons or dyes continually can also result in hair loss. Hair usually grows back when these activities are stopped.

Age. As you age, your hairs tend to break more easily, and hair follicles do not grow as much hair.

Poor nutrition, especially lack of protein or iron in the diet. Hair returns after you change your diet to get enough of these nutrients.

Thyroid diseases including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Other causes of hair loss include:

Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in obvious, round hairless patches on any area of the scalp or body. Severe cases involve many bald patches of hair or complete loss of hair on the scalp or body, although in some cases there is hair thinning without distinct patches of baldness. Hair usually grows back within 1 year without treatment; however, 10% of people with the condition may never regrow their hair.2

Diseases, such as lupus, syphilis, or cancer. Hair may grow back on its own, although you may also need treatment.

Side effects of medications or medical treatments, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants) or chemotherapy. Hair usually grows back after you stop using the medication or when the treatment is over.

Trichotillomania, a compulsive behavior in which a person pulls hair out of the scalp, eyelashes, or eyebrows. There is usually mounting tension before pulling and a feeling of relief afterward. Trichotillomania often results in noticeable hair loss.

Injury to the scalp including scarring. Injuries can damage hair follicles and cause hair loss.

Changes in hormone levels. Childbirth, taking birth control pills, or changes in a woman's menstrual cycle can affect the hair growth cycle and cause hair loss. Hair usually will grow back.
There are many thing that can cause hair loss in women,from bad nutrition habits and stress,to weak damaged hair and poor blood circulation.

There are some things you can do to make your hair grow faster though,everybody has a maximum rate of hair growth,if your body is not in good health,your hair will only grow at the minimum rate,here are the necessary steps:

1.Don't wash your hair everyday,washing your hair everyday puts unnecessary stress on the hair,the more you wash,the more your hair dries out and breaks,wash your hair twice a week with an emu oil moisturizing shampoo %26amp; conditioner.It is very important that you find an emu oil shampoo %26amp; conditioner because emu oil gets rid of scalp inflamation, scalp inflamation denies the hair follicles the necessary blood flow it needs in order to grow fast.

2.Keep an oil moisturizer in your hair,it's very important to keep some kind of oil in your hair because wind and dust in the air will make your hair dry and brittle and easier to break,my favorite oil moisturizer is Cantu Shea Butter oil moisturizer,it is kinda greasy,but you can put more or less depending on how you style your hair on that day,find an oil moisturizer that works for you.

3.Take care of your hair from the inside,take a multi-vitamin with minerals and amino acids/proteins daily,there are plenty of great vitamins out there,you just have to find what works for you,have a look at these:鈥?/a>

4.Don't brush your brush hair,brushing rips and tears at the hair folicle,use a comb with wide teeth instead,and wear your hair up whenever possible,your clothing,especially cotton clothing can cause splits ends.Every time you wear your hair down, you are exposing it to environmental damage. It is exposed to the air, which will dry it out. Wind will cause tangles, which in turn causes more handling and more damage. Your hair will rub against your clothes which dries it out even further.

5.Massage your scalp,this will increase blood flow to the hair folicles,I love to hang off of the sofa or my bed and massage my oil moisturizer into my scalp.Sleep on a satin pillowcase to prevent damage from tossing and turning,If you have fine, thin hair, stay away from volumizing and thickening shampoos,they dry out your hair,stay away from hair accessories with metal in them,that will definitely rip and tear your hair,keep heat styling to at a minimum,no more than twice a week,if you must do this more than twice a week,find a good deep conditioning treatment,like this one:

And drink lots of water!

It could very well be the stress of your mothers death causing the hair loss,there is little you do to keep from being depressed when there is a death in the family,but just try to find a nice hobby,watch some new movies or pet an animal,things that can really make your heart rate and blood pressure drop and relax you.My heart goes out to you.
Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some.However,some people may experience excessive hair loss which might cause baldness.Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children. Other reasons for hair loss in men and women are;stress, infection, surgery, high fever,diets,over brushing,syphilis,and tumors.Severe hair problems may cause anguish. An increase in the numbers of hairs lost daily about 200 hairs a day will be noticeable to the person who may become desperately anxious that he or she is going to become bald.

Perming, straightening, hair dyeing and bleaching ,hot combing, using heated rollers and hot wax inevitably damage the hair.Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp.Once split ends have appeared, it is a good idea to trim off the straggly ends to give a healthy appearance to the hair.
Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.
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