Monday, March 8, 2010

What is the most common reason for hair loss in women?

Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp.

Check out for more info.

Good Luck! =)What is the most common reason for hair loss in women?
The reasons are the same as they are for men. It's hormonal, specifically androgens.

Experts say hair usually grow at the rate of about one-half inch per month -- with each hair having a growth phase of two to six years. At that point the hair ';rests'; for a period of time, then falls out -- and the follicle from which it sprang soon starts growing a new strand.

In some folks, however -- those with a genetic predisposition to hair loss -- a group of hormones called androgens interferes with this natural process. Androgen hormones include testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) -- all of which are made in men's bodies in large amounts, and in women's bodies in small amounts.

In those who are genetically susceptible, when testosterone comes in contact with enzymes residing in the hair cell, it is converted into the more potent androgen DHT, which then binds with receptors deep within the hair follicle.

Over time, an excess build-up [of DHT] in the follicle causes it to begin shrinking, which in turn alters the natural resting and growth phases of the hair. Some of the follicles eventually die, while others are rendered incapable of producing or maintaining healthy hair growth. The end result is hair loss -- and a condition that is medically known as androgenic alopecia.What is the most common reason for hair loss in women?
*** My Success with Natural Techniques To Re-grow Lost Hair

Been on minoxidil ( R0gaine庐 ) for about a year and a half and have not seen even the smallest amount of regrowth that i almost fell into depression.

My hair only started visibly growing on the bald spot after skeptically trying out the various natural techniques to re-grow lost hair @

I would highly recommend this easy to follow step-by-step guide with pictures to anyone who is suffering from hair loss right now. But remember this isn't a miracle cure for baldness as you will also need to put in some effort in order to see results. And its only a minimum commitment of 15 minutes a day to help re-grow your lost hair.

Anyway, its also a cheaper and effective way of re-growing lost hair compared to those unnatural ways which may involve harsh chemicals that may have side effects.
There are many reasons for hair loss including stress, malnutrition/diet, vitamin deficiency, age, hormones and underlying medical problems.
overuse of hairdryer, not protecting hair in the sun (wearing a hat), not protecting hair while straitening, dying hair too frequently, bleaching hair, sometimes it's just genetic.
not eating enough protein. now a days, people are always on diet,leaving much to be desired in aspects of nutritious food.

anxiety and not enough hair care are the other causes.
Anxiety and hormonal changes are some of the contributors to hair loss in women.


major surgery

after having baby
Alopicia and medication.
Genetics %26amp; diet
Hormones?? (when in doubt, blame hormones....)


wearing hat
Binge drinking and having a fight.
Going on strange diets like kimkens.

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