Monday, March 8, 2010

Can stress contribute to a hair loss in women?

I've noticed my hair come out more than usual... I even see some bald patches underneath the outer layer of my hair. I've been coming out of a major nervous breakdown. Could this be related? Will my hair grow back?Can stress contribute to a hair loss in women?
Yes, stress can cause hair loss. Alopecia is the medical name for the baldness pattern you are having. Yes it can come back but there is also the chance it will not. My sister had this, she lost most of her hair on the right side and back of her head. It all came back in her natural color but it can come back in a different color or texture. She still has times when she will have bald spots but nothing like before. Research alopecia on and speak with your physician about it. I wish you the best.Can stress contribute to a hair loss in women?
Yes, stress can contribute to hair loss in women.

The following are some reasons why hair follicles break their normal cycle and switch into a resting phase. These are the factors why some women experience thinning of hair and thicker hair on the other parts of their bodies. The causes include any or a combination of emotional and physical state such as stress, hormonal imbalance (especially androgen sensitivity), genetics.

Some are caused by immune system irregularities including thyroid disorders, nutritional deficiencies (Iron and Vitamin A). Others may be due to cosmetic factors. Lastly, health conditions may contribute to the situation due to radiation or chemotherapy, dental treatment, blood loss, drugs, diseases, surgery and scarring.
Yes in men as well. Go to your local health food store and get some folic acid and take 1mg per day. This should help with the hair loss. I used to work for a Rheumatologist and he prescribed it for his patients that had thinning hair due to their arthritis medications. Folic Acid is good for thinning hair.
Yes hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems. Check out for more info.

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