Monday, March 8, 2010

What causes hair loss in women. am scared i may develop a bald head. am slowing losing a bit of my hair.?

Stress can be a major cause of hairloss in females and so you need to identify areas of stress in your life and sort them out.

A good diet and plenty of water to drink will help flush toxins out of your blood stream and aid the body to heal itself.

I would suggest going to your GP and getting some blood tests done as well. This will help to pinpoint anything that may be physically wrong.What causes hair loss in women. am scared i may develop a bald head. am slowing losing a bit of my hair.?
Lots of things can cause hair loss: Vitamin deficiency, too much vitamin A, stress, alopecia, fungal infection, hormone imbalance, hyperthyroidism etc etc etc.

You really should talk to your doctor about it!What causes hair loss in women. am scared i may develop a bald head. am slowing losing a bit of my hair.?
Hi Kaby

I'd suggest going to the following website:

It's a great site and will give you very open, non-commercial information on the reasons for hair loss as well as the treatments available to you.

There is also a seperate site that is pretty good for online purchases of various products:

One of my staff members is suffering from the same problem. As I also did.

Please feel free to drop me an email if you'd like any other detail. I'd be happy to help you wherever I can.
you may even just have a hormone imbalance go and have a blood test done and talk to your doc.
Have your Thyroid checked! That was one of the symptoms I had.
* Stress

* It might run in the family
it sounds like alopecia areata. it is a hair losing problem usually from stress. if you are losing almost quarter size on your head. go to a demotologist to make sure. there are remedys for this problem .
Lots of reasons but it could be stress related, diet, etc.. or if breast feeding your hair can receed like a man but will eventually grow back, if in doubt contact your G.P
Vitamin deficiences such as iron deficiency can cause hair loss, so get yourself checked out. Also stress can be a major factor, or if you have recently suffered from an illness this can cause hair loss. Try not to worry about it if you can but go %26amp; see your doctor %26amp; improve your diet straight away. Eat plenty of fresh fruit %26amp; vegetables, meat %26amp; oily fish - organic if possible. Try to avoid processed foods, excessive sugar %26amp; refined flour %26amp; other junk food whenever possible as they are not beneficial for health. I hope you manage to solve your problem.
female pattern hair loss may be due to menopause or iron deficiency. it could also be a genetic disposition (if other members of ur family have it). alopecia can also be an auto-immunological abnormality.

some illness like psoriasis also cause hair loss or excess treatment with bleach or hair colour.

u must just take some vitamins or use some protein-rich hair care.

topical vasodilators are also available on prescription.
are you stressed out you may have the start of alopecia its where u have hair loss due to stress,go to the dr they can prescribe something and hopefully wont get to bad....
There can be a no.of reasons for hair loss in women.

Eg. stress, hormonal imbalance, some disease.

It an also be just seasonal, for no reason at all and temporary/reversible.

U need to monitor it for a few days. Normal hair loss in healthy ppl is 100/day. so maybe its normal afterall. Hair keeps growing and compensates for the normal daily hair loss. It may seem a lot to u but might be normal.

U need to look into this and if really feel the need, see a good dermatologist.

Good luck!
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall鈥?/a>

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth鈥?/a>
massage your scalp with wheatgerm oil
Hair loss can be due to anxiety, temporary illness or use of harm full hair products. if you haven't under gone any of these things you should go to a doctor and get your body checked, it could be symptoms of something else.
There are several factors that our hair could lose. Like thyroid and stress this will lead to a poor blood circulation. If your scalp is tight your pores is closed so the hair cannot breath and that cause your hair to fall out.
I would go to the doctors and let them know, because most hair loss in women is caused by stress, however as someone has mentioned it could be down to your thyroid.

Dont put it off go see a doc, so you can get it sorted as soon as, so you dont have to worry more about bald patches beacue the more you stress out about going bald the higher your stress levels will be, so its a viscious cycle.

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