Monday, March 8, 2010

Hair Loss in women?

Does anyone know what causes hair loss in a woman who medical tests are all healthy.Hair Loss in women?
well it could be genetics but it could also be over alot of different things like stressHair Loss in women?
stress, no a proper diet. I have chemo pateints on this: it helps theri hair to stop breaking. watch the video

I think you should check out

I just went to their launch party and had my hair done, free as a demo. Its amazing, my hair was breaking off and flying away. I will always always buy this stuff. Its awesome, I saw a difference as soon as she rinsed my hair. I have no damage anymore, its unbelievable! No more split-ends, its like my hair is NEW! I love it!

and they have a myspace. I just asked to be on their friends list鈥?/a>

Make sure you watch their video on the site, its amazing. Lady changes her hair color 3 itmes in 30 minutes with NO DAMAGE
For women main reason should be iron deficiency. Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Since iron-deficiency anemia can also cause hair loss,make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet that includes a daily serving or two of iron-rich foods. Check out for more info.
well, I think it is because of your diet. Do not eat salty food or instant noodles. stress or did not sleep well will also cause your hair to drop. or even if you having scalp problem or oily scrap like dranduff. Try to use less oily shampoo. and only appy hair conditioner on the tips of the hair and not to the hair scalp since you should be having oily scalp. Try washing your hair everyday or alternate day. Do not leave it for more than 2 days and once the scalp oily, hair will drop easily. Do not use too hot water to wash your hair. The pore will open and more hair will drop. use warm water first and after shampoo use cold water to rinse to close the pores. Wish you good luck!
Stress can cause hair loss--and if you fast for long periods of time that can too.
Genetics, diet (lack of certain vitamins and minerals), environmental factors and in some sources it's even gone so far as to say smoking and caffeine can effect it.
genetics, stress , poor diet it could be a number of things. do you colour your hair? if so try not to colour it for as long as you can (i no its hard but worth it) have trim every 6weeks and buy a good thicking shampoo. by the way hair is made of protein so its a good idear to get more high protein foods in your diet like eggs,meat,beans,nuts give it a try :)
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