Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Unexplained hair loss in women?

I'm a 25 year old new mother to one terrific little boy. When I was pregnant with him I found that I was loosing some hair, not a lot but it was enough for me to notice. My son is now 5 months old and lately my hair has been returned. I know that stress can be a contributing factor with hair loss and I have had a bit of it lately, most recently with the passing of my grandmother and being a single doesn't really help things.

It started off as a few strains here and there and now handfuls of hair will come out during and after my shower.

I have dyed my hair in the past and I know this does not help things either, but I've NEVER had this much hair loss in my life. So much so, that I'm beginning to see a receding hair line. I'd like to know the cause of this. It's kind of starting to freek me out. It's been happening for almost a month now and its after I have a shower mainly... If anyone could give suggestions as to why this is happening to me, that would be wonderful. Thank you!Unexplained hair loss in women?
I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. I am not a doctor so I dont know for sure, but a few yrs ago I had the same problem (not quite as extreme). Like you I was pretty stressed (diff reason though) and was defiecient in vitamins and minerals and my body wasnt transporting them properly. Probs bcasue my diet wasnt that great due to my life being a bit crazy (im sure you can sympathise!) I only found this out at the doc after months of worrying so please, please go and get this sorted. When I got medicine my hair got back to normal so quickly and I've not had a problem since.

Though it may be a diff cause for you, they can do so much to help.

Good Luck ss:D (the ss is supposed to be hair up in a bun)Unexplained hair loss in women?
i'm not sure ... several things could cause hair loss - poor nutrition - genetics -and anemia are the non serious reasons ... but there may be serious ones as well ...

please visit your doctor - and make him/her run several tests - just to be sure it's nothing serious ....

make sure to get enough sleep and drink lots of water ....

i hope everything is ok - it most likely is - just be sure - ok??
I would say not to use chemicals on your hair.Why don't you go for some home remedies. Egg whites, lemon juice, oil massages, reducing stress and diet changes can reduce hair fall and make it healthier.You can find more cheap, effective and natural home remedies for hair loss as well as for healthy hair at鈥?/a>

It could be caused by many things. Do you take any meds. and yes hair dye will cause it. A vitamin deficiency will cause it and mental pause which you are to young for that. Stress is one. I would see a doctor to get his opinion also try a baby shampoo and see if it helps.
ANSWER IS HERE;_ylt=AogHf8QF.tkd0Zxy8o9UOPHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081111132246AAyQ55l
take some fish oils.. hair loss is due to hormones.. take your vitamins also especially biotin
this happened to me before, when i took a certain BC pill. i thought i was going bald i was losing so much hair! but it stopped eventually when i stopped taking the pill.or it could be your hormones. after my sister had a baby, she started losing alot of hair afterwards. if you look it up online, you will find alot of articles about hair loss after having a baby. Or you could see your family doctor if you are really worried and see what they say. my doctor told me that when hair is wet, it falls out easier. don't worry it will probably stop soon.

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